[Workshop] How to Love yourself and boost your self-confidence
A healthy self-esteem is the root of your happiness, prosperity, health, and the basis for healthy relationships in one’s life. If you ever feel some sort of “emptiness” that you try to fill with external sources, then this workshop is for you. In this workshop you will learn how to cultivate the best relationship with the most important person in your life, yourself.
When You Most Need to Love Yourself

You fear being alone or are co-dependant
You may have found yourself in a toxic or co-dependant relationship, or perhaps you don’t know how to say “no” and put your own needs first.

Nothing seems to fill your emptiness
You are constantly trying to please other people or find yourself using negative coping techniques as compulsive eating, mobile addiction and more to deal with your suppressed emotions.

You want to feel good about being yourself
You have finally realized that meditation is not enough and you need to deepen the most important relationship in your life, the one you have with yourself.
Book Your Spot for the Next Workshop!
You can get this one-hour workshop for free just by sharing this link with your loved ones on major social networks and your WhatsApp! The link to share here: https://coachsergimora.cat//loveu
If you don’t want to spread the word of this workshop or don’t have social media, then all I ask is a fee of 50€.
The workshop typically runs for one hour, and sometimes runs a little longer if there are lots of questions. In this workshop you will learn two complementary techniques on how to love yourself; one technique requiring faith in your ‘Deepest Self’, and the other not being reliant on this faith. After a short introduction to the workshop, we will practice the art of self-love so that you know how to boost your self-esteem yourself at home!
We will meet in the Parque de Toboganes in St. Cugat, and from there we will take a short one-minute walk to sit in the refuge of beautiful pines, so bring a blanket or a pillow you don’t mind putting on the grass!
If you’re happy with what you learn, please feel free to share it with your loved ones as the value one can gain from self-confidence is incredible.

Why do I do this?
This is by far the most important skill I have ever learned (and am still continually improving on) after many years of working on myself and coaching others like you. People are all inter-connected, so if you win, we all win. It brings me joy to share this skill with people, as it can have such a huge impact on one’s life.
If after the workshop you decide to try my one-on-one coaching, I would be delighted to facilitate your growth on this journey for self-improvement.